4.990 kr.

Einn af vinsælustu orkudrykkjunum okkar með ljúffengri blöndu af epla- og tutti frutti braði. Drykkurinn inniheldur 20% meira koffín en þetta hefðbundna 32mg/100ml.

-Koffín innihald 38,4 mg/100 ml
-Inniheldur 5 B-vítamín: B2, B3, B5, B6 & B12
-Engin rotvarnarefni
-Umhverfisvænar umbúðir
-250 ml

24 stk í pakka.

Best fyrir: 25.06.25



Ingredients: water, sugar, acid (citric acid); carbon dioxide (min.0,3%); substances regulating acidity (sodium citrates); flavors; caffeine (0,04%); dye (ammonium caramel); vitamins [niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6), riboflavin (B2), cobalamin (B12), glucuronolactones; inositol.Validity: See the bottom of the dose. . Keep in a dry and cool place, away from heat.HIGH CONTENT OF CAFFEINE (38.4 mg/100ml). ; Not recommender for children, pregrant women or at lactation. A dose of drink corresponds approximately to caffeine content of 1,5 cup of espresso coffee. It is recommended moderate consumption.Net volume: 250ml.

Nutritional value 100ml: Energy value: 194kj / 46kcal, Fat 0g, including saturated fatty acids 0g, carbohydrates 10.9g, including sugars 10.9g, Fibre 0g, Protein 0g, Salt 0.2g, riboflavin 0.6mg, niacin 8mg, Vitamin B6 0.8ug, Vitamin B6 0.2ug.